Sunday, November 10, 2013

MIT, MITeri, cordially invites you to their talk series on November 17

The Nepali student association at MIT, MITeri, cordially invites you to our talk series this November featuring two guest speakers:
Mr. Uttam Babu Shrestha
PhD Candidate, University of Massachusetts, Boston
Talk Title: “Chasing Interconnections – Mountains & Mushrooms”
(An overview of effects of climate change on the ecosystem of the Himalayas)
Mr. Sagar Prasain
Program Officer, National Rehabilitation Society for the Disabled (NRSD), Kathmandu and
Fellow, Institute for Community Inclusion, Boston
Talk Title: “Stories of people with limits”
(Inclusion of the disabled in the US vs. Nepal – A study in contrast)
Date: November 17, 2013
Time: 3 PM – 4:15 PM
Venue: Room 315, MIT Tang Center (Building E51)
2 Amherst St., Cambridge, MA 02142
(Near Kendall Sq. stop on the Red Line)

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Nepali Ambassador to China Arriving in Boston

According to close source Nepali Ambassador to China Arriving in Boston and going to have interaction program on Wednesday November 6, 2013. The venue has not fixed yet.

Tihar Dhamaka November 4

A dj night is going to happen on Monday November 4 2013 at Naga. Milan Basnet and Supriya Pokhrel urges to go and have fun.

United Deusi Bhailo Program 2013

The united Deusi Bhailo Program will starts on November 1, 2013 to November 4, 2013. More details has to come.

Laxmi Jayanti Celebration by INLS Boston

INLS Boston is going to celebrate Laxmin Jayanti on Saturday November 2, 2013 at SCAT Somerville between 12:30 pm to 3:30pm. INLS vice president Hari Kafle has urge all Nepali literature lovers to participate this program.